Budget Repair Estimates

You got your home inspection back, and there are things you’d like to fix immediately. Or perhaps, you’re buying a house, and think the seller needs to take an amount of money off of the purchase price to cover some of the things that have been found. How much do those things cost? How much money will you be investing into this potential home? What kind of price point are you looking at to get the roof fixed in the next few months?

CHC Home Inspection strives to be a one stop shop for our clients and offer excellent real estate services to our community. We found that a lot of our clients were struggling getting estimates from contractors quickly which can affect their negotiation time during a deal, or they don’t know who to call.

CHC Home Inspection has partnered with a local contracting company that is able to provide budget repair estimates quickly. We also offer a complimentary 5 item budget repair estimates on our home inspections.